By Region
- 81
- History of St.Maarten/St.Martin
- This Island was named after St.Martin of Tours on whose feast day, November 11, 1493, Columbus first saw these shores.
- 82
- St. Martin History
- Before Columbus arrived here during his second voyage in 1493, the island had already been inhabited for some one thousand years.
- 83
- The Caribs of Arima
- Historical look at the first peoples of Trinidad and Tobago - the indigenous Caribs. Includes numerous references and links to other relevant sites.
- 84
- Trinidad 1950 - 2000
- Cultural history of Trinidad, as remembered by a person born and raised on the island.
- 86
- History of the Virgin Islands
- The first residents of the present U.S.V.I were the Carib. In 1493, Christopher Columbus while searching for a route to India.
- 87
- The Taino Indian Culture in the Caribbean
- Text article depicts the cultural History of the Taino Indians both before and after the invasion from Spain and the eventual demise of their dominance of the islands. Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Hispañola and other islands.
- 89
- The Haitian Revolution, Pt. 1
- Essay on the Haitian Revolution led by Toussain-Louverture by Bob Corbett. Originally published in Stretch magazine, the essay is republished for an online course on Haitian history.
- 91
- The Haitian Revolution, Pt. III
- Notes on the rise of Toussiant-Louverture and the struggle for Haitian independence from France.
- 92
- Historical Maps of The Balkans
- Resources showing changes from ancient and medieval times to the present, from the Perry-Castañeda Library collection.
- 93
- The Balkans Since 1815
- Summary of the region's political history, with maps. From the New York Times.
- 94
- Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine, 27 November 1919
- Full text of the treaty of peace that established the boundaries of Bulgaria.
- 95
- BBC News - Milestones of Europe
- Archive of important events in the history of the EU, including audio and video footage.
- 96
- Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe (CVCE)
- Provides a variety of multimedia documents about the history and institutions of a united Europe: includes photos, facsimiles, cartoons, sound and film clips, interviews, interactive maps and diagrams. (Requires Flash)
- 97
- History of European Integration and Citizenship
- Short guides to events in EU integration and the developments of the concept of EU citizenship.
- 99
- H-Net Network for Scandinavian history
- H-SKAND is a new daily Internet discussion forum focused on scholarly topics in the common Scandinavian history as well as the national histories of the Scandinavian countries. H-SKAND is designed primarily for spreading information of value to professional historians; subscriptions are invited from professors, lecturers, librarians, archivists, graduate students, and other professionals, world-wide.