By Region
- 461
- Blue and Gray Trail
- Chronology/timeline of the Civil War, its causes and Reconstruction, battles, politicians, generals, and related sites
- 462
- Civil war battlefield tours
- Guided tours of civil war battlefield sites. Specialists provide background detail of personalities and history of each tour and battle site.
- 463
- Pamplin Historical Park
- From August 1864 through April 1865, the blue and gray fought a number of bitter and bloody engagements, the Federals trying to isolate Petersburg from its supply routes and the Confederates desperately defending their lifelines to the outside world.
- 464
- The Civil War Traveler
- Features a summary of historical interpretive signs and maps for civil war touring trails from Pennsylvania to South Carolina.
- 465
- Touring the Battle of Atlanta
- Takes visitors on a tour of the battlefield using present-day landmarks to describe the events of July 22, 1864 (the battle of Atlanta).
- 466
- A Soldier's Story
- An electronic edition of "Prison Life and Other Incidents in the War of 1861-'65," by Miles O. Sherrill of Catawba County, North Carolina.
- 467
- Alton, Illinois Civil War Confederate Prison
- The first prisoners arrived at the Alton Federal Military Prison on February 9, 1862. During the next three years, over 11,764 Confederate prisoners would pass through its gates.
- 468
- Brothers Bound
- One of the darker sides of the Civil War was the fate of those people, men and some women, captured and taken prisoner in the line of duty. This site is dedicated to the memories of all our ancestors whose lives were touched by these dark places.
- 469
- Camp Morton - Civil War Camp and Union Prison
- The history of the Camp in Indianapolis, Indiana. First used as a recruitment camp then as a prison during the Civil War. Photographs, monuments, and links.
- 470
- Civil War - Confederate and Union Prisoners of War
- Searchable directory and categorized lists of registered prisoners taken during this conflict.
- 471
- Elmira Prison Camp OnLine Library
- Deals with the infamous Civil War Prison camp located in Elmira, NY.
- 472
- Gratiot Street Prison
- Located in St. Louis, Missouri, the main Union prison for the Civil War in the West. Includes transcribed prisoner lists from Gratiot ledgers.
- 473
- Imagesof the Civil War - Prisoners and Prisons
- Photos taken in both northern and southern prisons in the US Civil War.
- 474
- Point Lookout POW Descendants Organization
- This site is dedicated to those men, women, and children who suffered while imprisoned at Point Lookout Prison Camp for Confederates from 1863 to 1865 in the state of Maryland during the War for Southern Independence.
- 475
- Rock Island, IL Confederate POW's
- Complete listing of Confederate prisoners who died in the Union prison camp at Rock Island, Illinois.
- 476
- The Johnson's Island Autograph Book Of Lt. Samuel Dibble
- Compilation of 221 Confederate officer autographs from Johnson's Island prison.
- 477
- Civil War Biographies
- Features detailed information about many of the major players in the American Civil War, including Belle Boyd, Jubal Early, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Clara Barton.