Parliaments and Legislatures
- 21
- South Africa - Parliament of South Africa
- Composed of the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces.
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- United Kingdom Parliament
- Composed of the House of Commons, elected by single-member plurality for a period of not more than five years, and the appointed (and for a few members inherited) House of Lords.
- 25
- Commonwealth Parliamentary Association - CPA
- Association with branches in Commonwealth countries. Overview of the organisation, activities, annual conference, available publications, parliamentary guidelines, and parliaments in member countries.
- 26
- NATO Parliamentary Assembly
- Parliamentarians from 19 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) nations and 17 associate parliaments, former North Atlantic Assembly. Plenary session twice a year, secretariat in Bruxells. News, general information, reports.
- 27
- Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
- PABSEC. Contact information. Secretariat in Istanbul.
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- Parliamentary union of the OIC member states
- Supporting the implementation of the Islamic principle of consultation (Shoora) in all OIC Member States.
- 30
- Parline Database
- Profiles of national parliaments: General information on (each of) the Parliament's chamber(s), description of the electoral system, results of the most recent elections, information on the presidency of each Chamber, as well as information on the mandate and status of members of Parliament.
- 31
- Governments on the WWW: Parliaments
- Directory for websites of parliaments of nations, autonomous territories, provinces, and federated states.
- 32
- Liste des Sénats du Monde
- Directory of the senates around the world. With profiles, part of a study on bicameralism (in French, with abridged English version).