Chats and Forums
- 42
- Lost_Newbies
- For people who are new to genealogy and/or the use of the Internet in genealogical research.
- 44
- Moms_N_Me-Roots
- To aid moms of all ages, but especially those with young children, in researching their family.
- 45
- New-Gen-URL
- For the posting of information on genealogy-related web sites in order to save researchers time in locating new web sites and determining the location of significant web resources.
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- Newspaper-Abstracts
- For the submission of abstracts, extracts and links from United States newspapers published prior to 1931. Newspapers contain much of the information that may not be found elsewhere such as births, marriages, deaths, and court notices.
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- One-Place-Study
- For anyone who is actively involved in studying a single parish or group of parishes in the United Kingdom as well as those who are about to embark on such a project.
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- Queries
- For the posting of genealogical queries about anyone living any place at any time, and the discussion of queries as a tool for genealogical research
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- RVing-Genealogist
- For the discussion and sharing of information regarding the conduct of genealogy research while traveling in a recreational vehicle
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- Senior-Newbie
- For people of all ages who would like help learning to use the Internet and their computer for genealogy purposes in a safe environment, without being made to feel stupid.