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Spunk Library: Bisexuality

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
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Description: An essay by Michael William from the Anarchy journal, 1993.
Anarchy: a journal of desire armed. #36, Spring 1993 anticopyright - Anarchy may be reprinted at will for non-profit purposes, except in the case of individual copyrighted contributions. ESSAYS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ BISEXUALITY Review by Michael William There seems to be some sort of war going on that I'm not invited to, but everyone wants me to take a side.'' -Alyx J. Shaw We first appeared in print primarily in specialized medical and psychiatric texts. Then, during the seventies, a brief, media- generated ``bisexual chic'' phase took place. Elton John and David Bowie were in the spotlight; gender bending was in. But as Gary North notes, in the nineties ``bisexuality is not chic - not in this age of AIDS.'' A perception that the disease is spreading to the het population from us is most people's single impression of bis. Invisible, except as propagators of a fatal disease - a more sinister reputation is hard to imagine. Invisible to others, ``We are just becoming visible to ourselves,'' in one bi's phrase, and in the last few years several anthologies edited by bis have been changing the ways we see each other and the ways others see us - Bisexuality: A Reader and Source-book; Bi Any Other Name; Closer To Home. I devoured these books, like many other bis no doubt. Appropriately, many of these pieces are personal histories and coming out stories. Some are the double coming out stories of people who came out initially as gays or lesbians and subsequently as bisexuals. There are also longer, theoretical pieces, which are found mainly in Closer To Home. Personal experiences are interwoven in some of these texts as well. Most bi activists and writers are women, and the new bi milieu/movement on the whole is specifically queer and specifically feminist. Outlooks in the bi women's milieu can be outlined and contrasted much more readily, in effect, than in the comparatively intangible and less theoretically developed m
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