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On Bisexuality and Feminism

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Letter to the Thistle newsletter (at MIT).
Letter to the Thistle: On Bisexuality and Feminism To the Editor: I'm writing to offer my opinions about bisexuality and how it relates to feminism. I aim to promote visibility of bisexuality and acceptance of all sexual identities beyond the norm of hterosexuality. With this letter I intend to show that sexuality is not binary; rather, sexual orientation is a continuum. As a feminist, I believe that bisexuality can be seen as a strong expression of support for gender equality: a bisexual person does not restrict their choice of partner on the basis of gender, unlike a homosexual or heterosexual person. I think that the character of a person is more important than their gender, when selecting a sexual partner. In our society, gender is still a major influence on character, but it is not the sole determining factor; there are plenty of people who do not fit the societal stereotype associated with their gender. Nowadays, it is easier for women and men to avoid acting in traditionally feminine or masculine ways if they choose not to. Although gender differences are becoming less pronounced, we as a society, still have a long way to go before individuals are allowed to develop without being stifled by cultural stereotypes of gender roles. If we were to actually reach that point, then I think masculine and feminine stereotypes as we know them would become meaningless. Sadly, it is still not generally acceptable in present day American culture to express attraction towards and have a relationship with a member of the same sex. Humans are inherently sexual, some more than others, and it would be good if they were able to feel free to choose a partner without any expectations concerning the sex of that partner. It makes sense that sexuality be expressed between people with compatible characters, regardless of whether they are male or female. Many people accept the fact that biological sex is not a significant factor when hiring an employee. Legislation has been passed in many countries to address the traditional pow
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