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- Bridge to Change
- Through storytelling, exposing underlying obstacles to change and drawing attention to the transformative powers put in our hands by a democratic political culture.
- 2
- Celestopea: Gateway to a Sustainable Future
- Dedicated to creating sustainable communities on both land and sea, based upon new technologies and time tested principles of respect, inclusion, love and stewardship.
- 3
- Plato on Utopia
- An article from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy discusses some of important issues arising in resent scholarship research of Plato's "The Laws".
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- Utopia & Utopian Philosophy
- Utopia is a better world vision. This web site consists of three free books about Humanity's achievement of Utopia and links to utopia web sites.
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- Utopia Pathway Association
- An informal Internet association devoted to Humanity's achievement of Utopia
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- Utopian Studies Society
- The goals of this organization are to co-ordinate and encourage the diverse work currently taking place on the subject of utopianism. Founded in 1988 and relaunched in 1999.
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