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American Institute of Polish Culture

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
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Description: The Institute houses the Chopin Foundation of the United States and publishes the Polish Heritage Series of books. Includes a short history of Poland.
The American Institute of Polish Culture, Incorporated The American Institute of Polish Culture, Inc., founded in 1972 by Mrs. Blanka A. Rosenstiel, is a non- profit, non-sectarian, tax-exempt, Florida corporation. The aims of the Institute are twofold: first, to share with all Americans the rich heritage of Poland, which has contributed in important ways to Western civilization; second, to establish a center of educational facilities and resources for the encouragement and promotion of the scientific and aesthetic endeavors of Americans of Polish descent.
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Page title:The American Institute of Polish Culture, Incorporated
Description:The American Institute of Polish Culture, Inc., founded in 1972 by Mrs. Blanka A. Rosenstiel, is a non- profit, non-sectarian, tax-exempt, Florida corporation. The aims of the Institute are twofold: first, to share with all Americans the rich heritage of Poland, which has contributed in important ways to Western civilization; second, to establish a center of educational facilities and resources for the encouragement and promotion of the scientific and aesthetic endeavors of Americans of Polish descent.