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Etrusia's Celtic Web Site

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: The Celtic World deals with the Celtic tribes who lived in Britain before the Roman invasion, discussing the main cultural forms expressed in artefacts and myth. Photos of Maiden Castle.
- Now you can support the Celtic World website while you do your shopping. In the Celtic World Shop we have a variety of items, have a look and see if there is anything you like. There is a section on Celtic / British iron age hill forts now being built. The first one is dedicated to
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Page title:Etrusia - Celts - Home Page
Keywords:Celtic, Celt, celtic people, celtic culture, British, iron age, hill fort, hillfort, bronze age, celtic myth, gauls, la tene, hallstatt, urnfeld,urnfield, maiden castle,proto-celtic, british history,long barrow, round barrow, tumulus, burial mound
Description:The Celtic World is one of Etrusia's British history sites. It deals with the Celtic tribes who lived in Britain before the Romans invaded, discussing the main cultural forms expressed in artefacts and myth.