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TANA - Telugu Association of North America

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Features goals of preserving Telugu cultural heritage and maintain the identity of the people and to provide a forum for Telugu literary, cultural, educational, social, and charitable interactions.
Homepage - Telugu Association of North America
Size: 46 chars

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Page title:Homepage - Telugu Association of North America
Keywords:TANA, Telugu Assiociation of North America, Telugu, Telugu Culture, Literature, Help for Telugu People in America
Description:Telugu Association of North America (or TANA, as it is well known) is the oldest and biggest Indo-American organization in North America. TANA was founded at a convention in New York in 1977 of Telugus from all over North America and was incorporated in 1978 as a not-for-profit organization. TANA’s mission is to identify and address social, cultural and educational needs of North American Telugu Community in particular and Telugu people in general. TANA aims to perpetuate, integrate, and assimilate the cultural heritage of the Telugu-speaking people into the mainstream of North America. Telugu and Indian ethnic organizations around the world look up to TANA as a pioneer and role model for its various innovations in promoting culture and serving the community.