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Susan's Sex Support Site

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Description: A moderated discussion board and chat room to discuss sex. It is for self-advocates and others with learning difficulties.
a part of Information on Disability for Empowerment, Advocacy & Support (IDEAaS) where sex is a natural part of being human. Sexuality Information specific to one Disability or Issue Sexual Abuse of People with Disabilities (2)
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Page title:Susan's Sex Support Site
Keywords:sex, sexuality, sex and disability, sex and support, sex and therapy,therapy, counseling, sex and disabled, sex and handicapped. sex and mental retardation, sexual behavior, heterosexual, straight, homosexual, queer, bisexual, transgendered, intersexed, teen, teenagers, adolescent, puberty, youth, elderly, older, senior, senior citizens, accommodations, adaptations, ada, access, accessibility, abstinence-only, abstinenece, safer sex, abortion, adoption, birth control. contraception, condoms, female condoms, diaphraphm, iud, norplant, depo provera, sterilizations, chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, hepatitis, AIDS, HIV, yeast, urthritis, vagina, vulva, virgin, penis, testicles, anal sex, cunninlingus, fellatio, oral sex, g-spot, orgasm, ejaculation, impotence, infertility, sterile, sperm, ovum, egg, trouble, advice, help, curious, hurt, support, Gustav Vigeland, Susan Fitzmaurice, masturbation, fingering, jilling,atrophy, spina bifida, spinal injury, sci, cord, physical, physically, wheelchair, diabetes, epilepsy, deaf, hard of hearing, sex and developmental disability, developmental disability, cognitive disability, cerebral, palsy, bell's, intellectual disability, down syndrome, retarded, down's, challenged, impaired, impairment, assault, abuse, offenders, sex education, sexuality education, mental retardation, people first, self-advocate, self-advocacy, MOUTH, Ragged Edge, Disability Rag, circumcism, uncut, penis size, multiple orgasm, breasts, cunt, clit, clitoris, old, aging, journal, masterbation, orgasim, IDEAS, information, empowerment, advocacy, handicapped, handicapable, blind, Deaf, hearing, lame, injured, disabled, developmentally, cognitively, DD, ID, disability, education, supportive, crisis, help, message board, message forum, differently abled, Disability message baord, forums, assistance, research, peer, mentor, mobility, crippled, crip, SCI, polio, PPS, multiple, sclerosis, MS, muscular dystrophy, MD, independent living, IL, ILC, AASECT, rehab, paraplegia, quadriplegia,tetraplegia, quad, para, gimp
Description:Help for teens and adults especially those with disabilities to acquire sexuality knowledge.


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Status: ok
Creation Date: 21-Jul-2000 04:10:56 UTC
Expiry Date: 21-Jul-2014 04:10:56 UTC