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Masada: Desert Fortress Overlooking the Dead Sea

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Article on the suicides and archaeological excavations, also featuring a photograph and map of the area. From the Jewish Virtual Library.
Masada Desert Fortress | Jewish Virtual Library for fortress) is a place of gaunt and majestic beauty that has become one of the Jewish people's greatestsymbols as the place where the last Jewish stronghold against Roman invasion stood. Next to Jerusalem, it is the most popular destination of tourists visiting Israel.
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Page title:Masada Desert Fortress | Jewish Virtual Library
Keywords:Israel,Judaism,Holocaust,History,Biography,Biotechnology,Education,Bible,Student,Jewish,Elderly,Aging,Coexistence,Peace,Terrorism,Anti-Semitism,News,Politics,Culture,Palestinian,Jerusalem,PLO,Middle East,Zionism,Arab,Human Rights,United Nations,Torah,Reform,Conservative,Orthodox,Research,United States,Glossary,Maps,Congress,House of Representatives,Senate,President,Jews,Health,Travel,Medicine,Environment,Archaeology,Palestine,Syria,Jordan,Lebanon,Egypt,Saudi Arabia,Iraq,Iran,Tourism,Jewish History,Library,Library of Congress,Virtual,Faith,Spirituality,Muslim,Islam,Ottoman,Quran,Muhammad,Arabs,Palestinian Authority,West Bank,Gaza Strip,anti-Zionism,teen,Mitchell Bard
Description:Cyber encyclopedia of Jewish history and culture that covers everything from anti-Semitism to Zionism. It includes a glossary, bibliography of web sites and books, biographies, articles, original documents and much more!