- 41
- Eat Babies
- Supports the "stereotypical attack on an opposing political party or group" by providing recipes and advice.
- 42
- First Human Male Pregnancy, The
- "Mr. Lee Mingwei will be the first human male to ever birth a baby from his own body." Art project by Virgil Wong, thematizing gender roles, childbearing, and reproductive technology.
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- GenoChoice
- "Create Your Own Genetically Healthy Child Online! It's the Best of Nature...Before You Nurture!" A make-believe genetics company selling the perfect offspring.
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- Joey Skaggs
- Since 1966, Skaggs has hoaxed media outlets around the world with pranks like The Celebrity Sperm Bank, Cockroach Vitamin Pills and Dog Meat Soup.
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- People for Ethical Evolutionary Practices
- BioPEEP, a group of scientists distributing a genetic virus in consumable products to create product junkies, is "exposed" in this media hoax.
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- Transparency: Mike Cameron and Coke: The Human Pixel Who Wouldn't
- Mike Cameron's pseudo-event. Was it the real thing?
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- Santarchy
- Santas creating mayhem on the streets in December. Links, police reports, pictures and articles.
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- Free Speech for Sale
- An artistic critique of the advertising industry, consumerism, and commercialism.
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- The Whirled Bank Group
- Spoof of the World Bank site commenting on the international finance system specifically as it impacts the developing world. "Our Dream is a World Full of Poverty."
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- Whitney Biennial Exhibition
- Together We Can Defeat Captialism's clone of a portion of website with added political commentary.
- 57
- Bringing democracy and capitalism closer together. Founded by James Baumgartner (as, produced by and helped by ®TMark.
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- Daily Gazette: Web site offering votes for sale draws concern
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute graduate student James Baumgartner says he's doing a service to the country with his new Web site by encouraging participation in elections. (August 19, 2000)