MainShoppingRecreationScience and Nature › Australian Seashells

Australian Seashells

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Scan day: 11 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Suppliers of world wide specimen seashells. Specializing in Western Australian species.. - specimen seashells, seashells, starfish, seashell books, seashell shop, shells for sale, Cypraea, seashell supplier >>>....MORE SPECIAL OFFERS VOLUTES ADDED - SEE LINK BELOW !........NEW MAGAZINES IN STOCK - SEE NEW LISTINGS ON OUR BOOKS PAGE.......NEW IN DECOSHELLS:  CUTE BEACH-STYLE TIMBER TRAYS FOR SEASHELLS & CANDLES (SEE IMAGE / LINK THIS PAGE)..........NEW: SEA URCHIN SPINES.......PINK PAGODA SHELLS.....UPDATED MIXES........
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Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 680430176


Page - specimen seashells, seashells, starfish, seashell books, seashell shop, shells for sale, Cypraea, seashell supplier
Keywords:seashells, seashell, shells, sea shells, bulk seashells, Australian shells, marine shells, molluscs, starfish for sale, starfish craft, Australian marine shells, craft shells, seashell store, seashell collector, Seashell Displays, Gastropods, specimen shells, Zoila, Cypraeidae, Cowries, Cones, Conidae, Volutes, Volutidae, Muscheln, Nautilus, Land snails, Marine snails, Schnecken, Schelpen, Conchiglie, Coquilles, decorative seashells, Starfish, Sand Dollars, shell books, seashell dealer, Western Australia
Description:Australian seashell shop, specimen seashells, shells for sale, seashells, starfish, marine shells, seashell dealer, Cowries, seashells for crafts, land snails