- 101
- Paul M. Ambrose Antiques
- Specializes in the sale of European and American antique arms, guns, firearms, armour and weapons of the wheelock, flintlock and percussion periods.
- 103
- Rediscovered Shooting Treasures
- Antique and contemporary sights, scopes, collectable ammunition, books, and reproduced materials.
- 104
- The Gun Room
- A classified listing of gun collectors, dealers, gun shows, gunsmith services and related items
- 106
- Walt Moreau Catalog Online
- American-made weapons and Native American artifacts from the 1500's - 1900's. Items cannot be purchased online.
- 109
- BC Armory
- Specializes in customizing 1911 style autos, Smith and Wesson revolvers, and Glock pistols.
- 113
- Hatcher Gun Company
- Custom handguns and rifles. NFA Class II manufacturer of machineguns, short barreled shotguns, and short barreled rifles.
- 116
- LaRocca Gun Works
- Custom handguns, rifles and shotguns; antique firearm restoration; MAG-NA-PORT authorized dealer.
- 118
- MG Arms Incorporated Custom
- Match Grade Arms and Ammunition custom loading, gunsmithing, teflon coating and ultra-light rifles