- 43
- Sirius Publications
- Original e-books and trade paperbacks, plus book reviews and many free resources for authors and readers.
- 44
- Cancer's Natural Enemy
- Illustrates a natural remedy for cancer in addition to a display of other natural disease fighting and immune boosting information.
- 45
- Fast Muscle Gain
- Describes how to gain weight and build muscle mass fast via a proven step by step muscle building diet.
- 46
- My Blood Sugar
- Features an e-book and support forum for those looking for information on blood sugar disorders.
- 47
- My Diabetes Control
- Publication demonstrates tips for effective diabetes control and the reversing of heart disease conditions.
- 48
- NoPaperPress
- Provides a showcase of fitness, weight control, exercise and nutrition eBooks which provide an understanding and knowledge base for better health.
- 49
- SOS Acne Help
- Is geared towards acne sufferers, giving advice about acne medications and dealing with spots and swellings.
- 50
- The Natural Remedies
- Describes methods on how one can relieve one's self from allergies, hay fever, itchy skin and other illnesses with natural remedies.
- 51
- Truly Huge
- Publication consists of bodybuilding and fitness tips on how to build muscle mass quickly.
- 52
- Women and Depression
- Offers ePublications that address various health challenges pertaining to women.
- 53
- Audley Publications
- Letter from Poitou: Words, sounds, images - relive the turbulent fourteenth century.
- 54
- Paperless Archives
- Paperless Archives covering the conflict through original historical source documents and photos. Format: CD for PC, Mac. PayPal Payments.
- 56
- Earthly Pursuits
- Old-fashioned and new-fangled ideas through ebooks about gardening, flowers, bibliomania, and bookcases too.
- 57
- Epstein Publishing
- Publications include an ebook dedicated to water gardening especially in the desert. Learn all about plants, fish, and landscaping.
- 58
- Pool Plans
- E-book or CD-ROM with swimming pool plans, checklists and sample contracts, for building a pool or starting in the business.