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Plays and Musicals

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Description: Selected scripts and scores for professional, amateur and school productions.
Play Scripts, Rights Holders, Musical Scripts/Libretti, Pantomime Scripts. Plays and Musicals for Amateur and Community Theatre Groups. Plays and Musicals for Schools. and Youth Theatre Groups All of our plays, musicals and pantomimes are
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Page title:Play Scripts, Rights Holders, Musical Scripts/Libretti, Pantomime Scripts. Plays and Musicals for Amateur and Community Theatre Groups. Plays and Musicals for Schools. and Youth Theatre Groups
Keywords:theatre, theater, music, musicals, plays, scripts, pantomime, skits, drama, stage, shows, scripts, libretto, libretti, one act, two act, 1 act, 2 act, one-act, two-act, murder mystery, whodunnit, historical plays, historical musicals, comedy, comedy play, comedy musical, play within a play, dinner theatre, thriller, youth theatre, youth musicals, music for youth theatres, music for youth groups, music for church groups, theatre for youth groups, plays for youth theatres, plays for youth groups, plays for church groups, stage shows, stage productions, theatrical productions, amateur stage, amatuer stage, amateur productions, amatuer productions, amateur theatre, amatuer theatre, amateur plays, amatuer plays, amateur shows, amatuer shows, amateur society, amatuer society, amateur societies, amatuer societies, community theater, community theatre, play publisher, music publisher, church drama, church plays, church musicals, church shows, church theatre, church productions
Description:Play Scripts and Musicals. Plays, Musicals and Pantomimes for Professionals, Amateurs, Church and Youth Groups