- 101
- Unlocking Wealth
- Robert Wilson outlines strategies and principles to take consumers from bad credit to establishing financial security.
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- Mystic Visions
- Focusing on self-improvement, esteem, and motivation building. Includes a discussion board and related resources.
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- A Story Before Bed
- Lets parents, teachers and kids record videos of themselves reading children's books and play them back as often as they like.
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- Good Stock
- Fabric-bound heirloom book teaches a child about family and what it means to come from good stock. Features family tree, vintage illustrations, archival paper, and letterpress label.
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- Kavenga Publishing
- Offers stories about the Australian Outback, Rainforest and Great Barrier Reef. Handmade and traditionally bound.
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- Penwizard
- Offers children’s books and gift cards with personalized text and illustrations: from name, family and friends to pets and favorite activities. The cover is also personalized.
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- Sandbox Learning
- Offers personalized e-books that address everyday skills essential for children's development. Annual subscription allows teachers or parents unlimited copies.
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- The Birthday Book Company
- Offers birthday books telling what important events happened on the recipient's birthday.
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- Haymarket Books
- Non-profit, book distributor and publisher, a project of the Center for Economic Research and Social Change.
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- Best Tips for Best Tips
- Written for people in the service industry. A useful training tool to help improve work performance.
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- C.H.I.P.S.
- Professional books for food; design and architecture; agricultural science and technology; cosmetic and pharmaceutical; industrial science and technology; engineering.
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- Lindsay's Technical Books
- Features order information and catalog of new and old science books, technical publications, and material for experimenters, tinkerers, and inventors.
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- Mauritron Technical Services
- Company in Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom, providing manuals for all types of equipment, home and industrial. Offers workshop service manuals which include repair schematics and owners user instruction guides in .PDF format.
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- Russell House Publishing
- Online bookstore featuring community work, families and fostering, residential care, management and related topics.