- 1041
- The Dovecote Press
- Books reflecting the history, culture and way of life of individual English counties.
- 1043
- Clinch Mountain Press
- This small Appalachian press offers books featuring the oral history and vintage pictures of Southwest Virginia.
- 1045
- Eakin Press
- Publishes and sells a large selection of Texas history themed fiction and non-fiction.
- 1046
- Florida Books and Videos
- Online sales of books and videos about the state's history, geography, and culture.
- 1049
- One Night in a Bad Inn
- A true story of scandal, war, and courage and fortitude, stretching across the parched plains of eastern Montana.
- 1050
- The West Virginia Book Company
- Biography, history, cooking, fiction, lore and humor of West Virginia. Includes printable price list, return policy and mailing list.
- 1051
- Thistle Hill Publications
- Specializing in art and photography books and works about and of interest to the people of Northern New England.
- 1052
- Views from Above
- Charles Feil's aerial photographs of Maine, Florida Keys, Vermont, Massachusetts and California's Napa Valley.
- 1054
- Wisconsin Travel and Recreation Guides
- Hand-picked collection of Wisconsin travel, tour, food and recreation guides.
- 1056
- Adventures of Jonathan Gullible
- A "Free Market Odyssey" presenting philosophical legacy of liberty and principles of free market economics in a simple form.
- 1057
- Biostatistics in Clinical Trials
- Covers a range of topics that relate to design, conduct, and analysis of clinical trials. Articles discuss biostatistical aspects of clinical trials from societies to collaborative trial groups. Part of the Wiley Reference Series In Biostatistics.
- 1058
- Clinical Sports Medicine
- Resource book on sports injury diagnosis and treatment methods for practitioners in the sports medicine field such as physical therapists, trainers, coaches and physicians.