- 981
- Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Healing resources for patients, family and friends. Preview the first 25 pages for free.
- 983
- Life and Limb
- Explains the amputation process from primary consultation through to rehabilitation and prosthesis fitting, from a patient's point of view.
- 986
- Black Patent Shoes, Dancing with MS
- By Eva Marsh. Learn about decades old research which led her to challenge accepted perceptions and devise successful strategies for recovery from the damage of repeated episodes of multiple sclerosis.
- 987
- Life with a Traumatic Brain Injury
- Dan Windheim's reflections about life after a TBI. His online book "Out of My Mind" is featured along with his and other survivor's poems, travel tips, and answers to a variety of questions giving insight into how an injured brain functions and impacts on every aspect of a survivor's life.
- 988
- LifeView Resources
- The Family Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease; created to help families understand what to expect; deal effectively with the challenge of this disease; and help their loved ones meet each day more successfully.
- 989
- Memory Enhancement
- Books on memory loss, Alzheimer's, dementia, stroke, coma, senility, mild cognitive impairment, and anti aging.
- 990
- Your Daughter Has Been Diagnosed With Rett Syndrome
- A first person perspective of dealing with a diagnosis of Rett Syndrome and coping mechanisms.
- 991
- Embarrassing Problems
- Information and excerpts from the book to help you deal with health problems that are difficult to discuss, including shyness, baldness, acne, and sex.
- 992
- Healing Digestive Illness
- Written by Russell Mariani, describing natural remedies. Includes FAQs, excerpts, and reviews.
- 993
- How to Use the Footarch Correctly
- Book on how the foot arch works can help relieve foot pain, flat feet, shin splints and other foot problems.
- 994
- The Kidney Stones Handbook
- Written by a kidney stone patient and consumer health advocate and award-winning urologist. Information on stone prevention.
- 995
- The Saga of the Kidney Stone Kid
- One man's traumatic experiences with the health care system and how he has managed to survive numerous goofs and gaffes. By Chris Mitsoff.
- 996
- Hope Press
- Specializes in books on Tourette syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, ADD), Conduct disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and other psychological, psychiatric and behavioral problems.
- 997
- Patience Press
- Publisher of books about post traumatic stress disorders and the online magazine Post Traumatic Gazette. Includes a newsletter and articles.