- 141
- Noweta Gardens
- Gladiolus flower bulbs with detailed planting instructions, zone map and range of temperatures.
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- Old House Gardens
- Offering unique, endangered heirloom bulbs from the 1950s back to the 1200s, many of which are available nowhere else.
- 144
- Paul Christian Rare Plants
- Nursery devoted to rare flower bulbs from all over the world, with online catalogues, descriptions, ordering information, library, extensive (copyrighted) picture galleries, BulbNews magazine and ordering information. Based Wrexham, North Wales.
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- S.C.A.T.S Flowers
- Sales of tuberose flower bulbs and hymenocallis (spider lily flower bulbs) worldwide.
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- Southern Bulb Company
- Native and adapted flower bulbs especially suitable for southern USA climates.
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- Telos Rare Bulbs
- Specialty nursery offering hard-to-find bulbs, specializing in species native to the Western US, South America, and South Africa.
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- Tennessee Tuberoses
- Offers family-grown bulbs for this most fragrant of cultivated plants. Includes photos.
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- Terra Ceia Farms
- Specializes in spring- and summer-blooming bulbs and select other perennial plants. Located in North Carolina.
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- The Lily Nook
- A breeder and supplier of lily bulbs world-wide. Also operates a large public garden during July and August.
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- Van Bourgondien Dutch Bulbs
- Sells a variety of Dutch Holland bulbs including tulips, begonias, peony, lily, gladiolus, daffodils, hyacinths, and narcissus. Offers planting schedule, tips, and catalog.
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- Bob Smoley's Gardenworld
- Offers extensive catalog of collectible cacti and succulents for mail order.
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- Cactus Art
- Sells a wide variety of cacti and succulents, ships to countries within the European Union. Includes large photo gallery, a glossary of cactus terms, and an etymological reference.
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- Cactus House
- Mail order source for novelty cacti, including ariocarpus, astrophytum, and discocactus. Based in Thailand, ships internationally.