- 661
- Wild Garden Seed
- Sellers of Certified Organic heirloom and other open-pollinated seed varieties adapted for the Pacific Northwest.
- 662
- Aloha Seed and Herb
- Online sales of Hawaiian papaya seeds, as well as kava roots and plants. A larger selection of seeds is available to farmers and agribusiness.
- 664
- Digital Raingardens
- Offers seeds for a variety of plants, fruits and vegetables, specializing in tropical plants. Information and photos.
- 665
- Jungleseeds
- Specialising in tropical seeds and plants. Supporting products include propagators, heaters and portable greenhouses.
- 667
- Sunshine Seeds
- Seeds for ornamental, fruiting, and otherwise useful plants of exotic orgin. Based in Germany, ships worldwide.
- 668
- Trebrown Nurseries
- Ornamental tree and palm nursery in Cornwall UK. Seeds of palms and cycads, bananas, succulents, and a variety of other ornamentals are offered for online sale worldwide.
- 669
- Grass Seed Direct
- Lawn grass seed for golf courses, and parklands. Offers to acquire and select the best available grasses and blend them to the customers requirements.
- 670
- AgroHaitai
- Canadian company offers a selection of Oriental vegetable seeds, including amaranth, bitter gourd, tsatsai, shingiku, snow peas, and yard long bean.
- 671
- Giant Watermelons
- A site about the giant watermelons grown in Hope, Arkansas. Images of the past season's melons, and seed available from prize-winning melons weighing in at 100 to 200 lbs.
- 672
- Hood River Garlic
- Carries a variety of organically grown hardneck and softneck seed garlic, as well as food garlic. Includes tips for growing and using garlic.
- 673
- Howard Dill Enterprises
- Offers seeds for Dill's Atlantic Giant Pumpkins, as well as growing supplies and souvernirs. PDF catalog, and mail-in order form.
- 674
- John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds
- International and heirloom vegetable and culinary herb seeds for the kitchen gardener.
- 675
- Knapp's Fresh Vegies
- Offers seeds for tomato, hot pepper, squash, and sunflower varieties, as well as various hot sauces and jams. Payment by PayPal.
- 676
- Murphy's Seed Potatoes
- Producer of seed potatoes for the North American market. Located on Prince Edward Island on the east coast of Canada.