- 581
- Cloud Mountain Farm and Nursery
- Washington state nursery offering select cultivars of both ornamental and fruiting shrubs and trees.
- 582
- Crape Myrtle Farms
- Florida nursery sells crape myrtle trees, including miniatures for use as houseplants and varieties which are hardy in colder climates.
- 583
- Dragon Trees
- Offers Paulownia trees, of species Kawakamii, Elongata, and Fortunei. Also has information and history of these trees.
- 584
- Fast Growing Trees
- Offers an assortment of flowering, shade, and privacy trees, selected for fast growth habit. Evergreens and deciduous.
- 585
- Hybrid Poplar Trees
- Retailer for hybrid poplar trees, oak, and willows, including Coyote willow, for stream erosion control.
- 586
- Miyama Asian Maples
- California breeder and grower of Asian (Japanese) maples. Large variety and color photographs of summer and fall foliage.
- 587
- Woody Warehouse
- Indiana nursery offers seed-grown native hardwood trees and shrubs. Products include oak species, viburnum, winterberry, bald cypress, and alder.
- 588
- World Paulownia Institute
- Nursery in Georgia supplying paulownia and hybrid poplar seedlings and trees to the home gardener and for plantations.
- 589
- Banana Tree Banana plants
- Offering various types of banana trees for sale. Information on growing banana tress also offered.
- 590
- Big Island Growers
- Common outlet for a dozen growers on Hawaii, with products including orchids, hoyas, plumeria, carnivorous plants, and other tropical plants.
- 591
- Bougainvillea Growers International
- South Florida grower offering a variety of sizes from baskets to full-grown trees.
- 592
- Order cycads including encephalartos, dioon, cycas, zamia, xanthorrhoea, ceratozamia, and other rare tropical plants, books and artwork on cycads, palms and other tropical plants
- 593
- Ez PALMS .com
- Wholesale and retail specializing in container and field grown indoor and outdoor palm trees and tropical, ornamental, rare plants, and foliage.
- 595
- Fernacres Nursery
- Set in natural bush with a large variety of tree, ground and epiphytic ferns including extensive range of treefern carvings and Australian native species and hybrid epiphytic orchids.
- 596
- Hibiscusplace
- Growers of a large variety of grafted tropical Hibiscus. Selling both retail and wholesale.
- 598
- Jungle Music Palms & Cycads
- Nursery offering 1100 different species of palm trees and rare cycads for sale.