- 41
- Heronswood Nursery
- Offers a range of conifers, trees, shrubs, vines, perennials, and grasses, including many rare and unusual varieties. Specialties include ferns and hellebores.
- 42
- High Country Gardens
- New Mexico nursery sells a large range of perennials, grasses, and shrubs, mostly chosen for their cold hardiness and adaptability to the arid climates of the Western US.
- 43
- Kevock Garden
- Nursery in Scotland specializing in unusual alpine, woodland, and bog plants, many of Asian origin. Online catalog and ordering details.
- 44
- Mary's Plant Farm
- Ohio-based nursery offers field-grown unusual, native, heirloom and connoisseur perennials, flowering shrubs, and understory trees. Ships only within US.
- 45
- Michigan Bulb Company
- Offers trees, shrubs, vines, perennials, bulbs, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Includes plant selection tools.
- 46
- Milliways Nurseries
- Ireland-based sales of perennials, ornamental grasses, shrubs, and trees, as well as seeds, bulbs and supplies. Ships within Europe.
- 47
- Moonshine Designs
- Illinois nursery offering seeds, shrubs, plants, and trees, as well as several home decor items.
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- Morse Nursery
- Michigan tree and shrub nursery, specializing in those that attract wildlife. Products include conifers, oaks, flowering pears, persimmons, paw paws, cranberries and blackberries.
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- Mountain Mist Nursery
- Source for ferns, U.S. native azaleas, hostas, and other shade lovers. Located in North Carolina.
- 50
- Musser Forests
- Specializes in trees, evergreens, shrubs and ground covers. Also offers books, tools, fertilizers and repellents. Based in Pennsylvania.
- 51
- Nature Hills Nursery
- Offers a broad assortment of mail-order plants, including trees and shrubs, fruit trees, roses, perennials, annuals, bulbs, and seeds.
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- Niche Gardens
- Catalog of nursery-propagated wildflowers, Southeastern USA native plants, selected garden perennials, ornamental grasses and underused trees and shrubs.
- 53
- Plant Delights Nursery
- North Carolina nursery specializing in unusual perennials, hostas, natives and shade plants. Breeder and introducer of named hosta cultivars including "Elvis Lives," "Dixie Chick" and "Red Neck Heaven".
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- Plants A Float
- UK-based seller of a varied assortment that includes carnivorous plants, alpines, grasses, and trees.
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- Potting Shed Creations
- Creators of a line of gardening products featuring attractively packaged plants and seeds, for use as gifts or party favors, including pocket gardens, blooms-in-a-bag, and trees-to-be.
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- Rare Find Nursery
- Grower of ornamental shrubs, trees, and perennials in New Jersey, specializing in hard to find varieties, with an emphasis on hardy rhododendron species.
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- Seminole Springs Antique Rose and Herb Farm
- Herbs, plants and antique garden roses, many especially suited for the southern US.
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- Shields Gardens Ltd.
- Nursery in Indiana (USA) offering clivia, daylilies, and a selection of unusual bulbs. Includes photos and a weblog.