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Yarra Coffee & Co.

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Description: Describes organic certifications and sources of other international beans. Also gives directions to retail outlet in Lilydale, Victoria, Australia.
of Australia we are roasters of Our range of coffee's, include's , Our endeavour is to provide our customers with a selection from all coffee producing countries. We wholesale our coffee supplying cafe's and restaurant's across the Yarra Valley to Melbourne and the Mornington Penincular.
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Page title:Yarra Coffee Coffee Home Page
Keywords:Coffee, gourmet coffee,organic coffee,fairtrade coffee, specialty coffee, roasted, coffee beans, Australian Coffee, espresso coffee, coffee machine rental, coffee machine hire, blends, dark roast, medium roast, coffee, beans, machines, coffee machine hire, medium roast, dark roast, blend, tradition, taste, fresh, roast, cafe, italian, espresso, latte, yarra valley coffee
Description:Yarra Coffee are speciality coffee roasting experts. It is our mission to source quality Arabica coffee beans and deliver them fresh to you.