- 81
- Little River Roasting Company
- Featuring a full line that includes varietals, blends, flavored, and decafeinated.
- 83
- Marylou's Coffee
- Blends, flavored products and varietals, with monthly specials. Also locations, menu, and employment opportunities for cafes in Massachusetts.
- 84
- Merdeka Coffee
- Boutique coffee company dedicated to Indonesian coffees. Gives company history, information on regional varieties, and listing of roasted and green products, as well as machinery.
- 85
- Midnight Sun Coffee Roaster
- Coffee roasted Yukon-style. Also has coffee roasting tips, digital postcards, and a little known legend.
- 86
- Montana Coffee Traders/Texas Coffee Traders
- Mail orders shipped from both locations, with a store in Austin, Texas. They describe products, as well as charitable and fair trade activities.
- 87
- New Orleans Coffee Co.
- Cool Brew Coffee - a concentrated, cold filtered, gourmet coffee extract, which captures the richest essence of coffee and coffee and chicory.
- 89
- North Pole Coffee Roasting Co.
- A variety of coffee, sampler packs, gifts and coffee candies from the roasting facility in North Pole, Alaska.
- 91
- Orleans Coffee Exchange
- Sells varieties of freshly roasted coffee; New Orleans blends, estate, organic and espresso coffees.
- 93
- Pioneer Coffee Roasting Company
- Offers several blends. Gives background information on terminology and processing.
- 94
- Poverty Bay Coffee Company
- Micro-roaster of shade-grown, free-trade specialty coffees and sales of cold coffee concentrate.
- 96
- Rao's Coffee Roasting Company
- Coffee tips and background information on single-origin varieties offered.
- 98
- Riley's Coffee & Fudge
- Offers a selection of gourmet coffee, specialty coffees, handmade fudge, coffee equipment and accessories. Online coffee discussion forums.