Middle Eastern
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- Hotsuq.com
- Offering traditional Arab jewelry, frankincense and incense burners. All products are sourced from markets in Yemen.
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- Orient Crafts
- Offers cushion covers, table runners, coasters, ornaments, and traditional dress from Amman, Jordan.
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- UzbekAlive
- Online shop providing women’s accessories, jewelry and decor boxes from Uzbekistan, plus fabrics and hand-woven silk scarves, including Ikats.
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- Pearlida Jewelry
- Pearl jewelry designed adorned with ornate sterling silver accents. Many items include semi-precious accent gemstones or center medallions. Ships from the USA.
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- Werner Weber
- Imports of old Tribal pieces from Iran and decorative carpets like old Heriz and Mahal.
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- MikeFanning.com
- Offering Christian handcrafted olive wood carving, nativity sets, silver and mother of pearl products from the Holy Land.
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- Lebanon Postcard
- Offers souvenirs and gifts from Lebanon, include post cards, aerial photographs, posters, antique reproductions, clothing and flags.
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- Bazaar Turkey
- Les Arts Turcs, a collective of painters, musicians photographers and artists offer costumes, music, miniatures, calligraphy, textiles and ceramics. Online sales for some goods, contact emails for others.
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- Ilyasoglu Evil Eyes
- Manufacturer and exporter of glass evil eyes, water pipes, crystals, and jewelry.
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- Tulumba.com
- Offering extensive range of books, magazines, food and beverage, soccer team paraphernalia, handcrafted gifts, kilims and ceramics.
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