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Space Viz Production

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Description: Astronomy videos. Review of the space program in the past and where we may be in the future.
Space Viz - Astronomy Documentaries, Space Science Education and Public Outreach, Films Featuring Buzz Aldrin and Sir Arthur C. Clarke and many other Space Science experts. Featuring Buzz Aldrin, Sir Arthur C. Clarke & Many More
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Page title:Space Viz
Keywords:Space Viz Productions, astronomy, documentaries, astronomy documentaries, SETI, Contact, ExtraTerrestrial, Alien, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Rusty Schweickart, Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11, Apollo 9, Apollo Missions, Apollo Years, Apollo Program, Frank Sinatra, The Third Foot, An Interview with Buzz Aldrin, Space Capsules, NEO's, Near Earth Objects, Living Off-Earth, Martian Colonies, Lunar Colonies, Space Station, Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, Earth Impacts, Asteroid impacts, Comet Impacts, David H. Levy, Freeman Dyson, Space Viz, spaceviz, viz, Earth, Moon, Mars, Planetary Defense, Planetary Defence, Defending Earth, space colonization, space colonisation, Odyssey of Survival, mars colonization, terraforming, Space Tourism, Sir Richard Branson, science fiction, science fiction movies, science fiction DVD, terraforming, Space Tourism,
Description:Space Viz Productions produces astronomy documentaries (movies, DVD's) featuring Apollo Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Rusty Schweickart; Freeman Dyson, David Levy, (the late) Sir Arthur C. Clarke, and many more world-famous scientists, military experts and scifi writers. Our work has been broadcast in 75 countries, including on the United Nations TV and on select PBS stations in the USA. Space Viz titles are part of the NASA funded Lunar Planetary Institute Library and is required viewing in many Universities. Our subjects cover: Contact: The Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence, and the Spanish version Contacto: La búsqueda para la inteligencia extraterrestre, Colonizing Mars in our film Odyssey of Survival, the French version is narrated by Robert Lepage l'Odyssée de la survie, mitigating the threat to Earth from impacts by meteors, asteroids and comets, Planetary Defense, a comprehensive review of the period that landed US astronauts on the Moon The Apollo Years, The Third Foot: An Interview with Buzz Aldin, The story of the Universe, how we got here and where we will end up, Space Capsules. Our documentaries are sold as DVD's on our site through or at the Smithsonian Museum Gift Shop. Also available at our CreateSpace store (an Amazon company), all major credit cards accepted. You may watch clips for free. Visit


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