Whimsical Imaginings
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Scan day: 04 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Beaded fringing, velvet flowers and lace trims suitable for embellishing items such as lampshades, pelmets, tassels, cushions and bags.
Whimsical Imaginings - Incorporating beadedfringing.com & velvetflowers.com.au I am sending you this message, to let you know how you inspired me into making a picture frame collage of my Grandmother. She was a big influence in my life, and I loved her dearly, so what better tribute could I give her, than to make something incorporating all the things that she loved, made, and where typically her.
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Page title: | Whimsical Imaginings - Incorporating beadedfringing.com & velvetflowers.com.au |
Keywords: | velvet flowers, Miss Rose Sister Violet, Jule Barten, Chris Boston, roses, craft, craft workshops, Crystal Connections, Visual Merchandising, Window displays, original dolls, bridal bouquets, lampshades, vintage, victorian, lace trims, nostalgic, craft workshops |
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