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Robin Linke

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Scan day: 04 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Specializes in covers of Australia and the Pacific Ocean.
below to view items available for purchase. The following summary will assist in to find the items of most interest to you. Our stock is listed via the Headings on the left. You will have to click on these links to access the categories and images of items available for direct purchase. For example, click on 'Kangaroos' and five categories appear. Click on 1913 1st Watermark and images of 1st Watermark Kangaroo stamps appear in two formats.
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Page title:Robin Linke - Stamp Dealer
Keywords:stamps, philately, stamp, stamp collecting, stamp auction, stamp auctions, postage stamps, postal history, postcards, buying stamps, selling stamps, philatelic, philatelic auctions, philately, stamps, stamp auction, Australia, covers, proofs, sell stamps, postage, Australian stamps, collectibles, collections, covers, books, philatelic books, stamp books, Robin Linke, Auction, stamp auctions, retail stamp sales, Australian stamps, South Pacific stamps, Australian Territories stamps, South Pacific stamps, stamp auctions, postal bid sales.
Description:Robin Linke Stamp Auctions offers you stamps from around the world including collections and accumulations and is a publicly held auction and also offers an opportunity for the collector to submit their material for sale through auction.