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Historic Figures: John Logie Baird

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Description: Capsule biography from the BBC.
BBC - History - John Logie Baird British Broadcasting Corporation Baird was a Scottish engineer, most famous for being the first person to demonstrate a working television. John Logie Baird was born on 14 August 1888 in Helensburgh on the west coast of Scotland, the son of a clergyman. Dogged by ill health for most of his life, he nonetheless showed early signs of ingenuity, rigging up a telephone exchange to connect his bedroom to those of his friends across the street. His studies at the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College were interrupted by the outbreak of World War One. Rejected as unfit for the forces, he served as superintendent engineer of the Clyde Valley Electrical Power Company. When the war ended he set himself up in business, with mixed results.
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Page title:BBC - History - John Logie Baird
Keywords:history, john logie baird, scottish engineer, television, tv
Description:Discover facts about the Scottish engineer John Logie Baird - without him would we have television as we know it?