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NASA Structure and Evolution of the Universe

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Scan day: 18 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Beyond Einstein - From the Big Bang to Black Holes.The education pages sponsored by the SEU Theme Office at the Office of Space Science at NASA Headquarters, with a link to the Educators Forum.
Home Page - Astrophysics Science Division - 660 Astrophysics Science Division, Code 660 Astrophysics Science Division (660) Home Heavy Black Hole Jets in 4U1630-47 : What are black hole jets made of? Recent evidence indicates that these jets are composed not only electrons and protons, but also the nuclei of heavy elements such as iron and nickel.
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Page title:Home Page - Astrophysics Science Division - 660
Keywords:science, NASA, Goddard, GSFC, Goddard Space Flight Center, astronomy, astrophysics, fundamental physics, dark matter, dark energy, exoplanets, black hole, photon, particle, gamma ray burst, grb, gravitational wave, theoretical model, data, archive, user support, research, code 660, astrophysics science division
Description:The Astrophysics Science Division conducts a broad program of research in astronomy, astrophysics, and fundamental physics. Individual investigations address issues such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy, which planets outside our solar system may harbor life, and the nature of space, time, and matter at the edges of black holes. Observing photons, particles, and gravitational waves enables researchers to probe astrophysical objects and processes. Researchers develop theoretical models, design experiments and hardware to test theories, interpret and evaluate the data, archive and disseminate the data, provide expert user support to the scientific community, and publish conclusions drawn from research. The Division also conducts education and public outreach programs about its projects and missions. About the ASD Seminars & Meetings Master Calendar: Seminars & Colloquia ASD Colloquium Boldt Lectureship Series Seminars & Meetings page Links Astronomy Picture of the Day HEASARC Picture of the Week + ASD Annual Report + ASD Annual Report EBook (epub) + Awards Archive--> + Visualization Explorer + Links


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