- 341
- Flight STS-90
- Featured the Neurolab, a spacelab mission dedicated to research on the nervous system and behavioral changes in space.
- 347
- Jay Apt
- Astronaut and author Jay Apt's personal site, with images from his best-selling book, Orbit: NASA Astronauts Photograph the Earth.
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- Center for Advanced Space Studies
- A major research and conference facility formally known as the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, Texas.
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- Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI)
- a NASA-funded institute in Houston, Texas, devoted to studying the solar system and sharing the excitement of space exploration with the public.
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- Discovery Program
- An ongoing project, which offers the scientific community the opportunity to assemble a team and design investigations that complement NASA's larger planetary science explorations. The goal is to launch many smaller missions with fast development times.
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- NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission
- Provides up to date information on NASA's most recent robotic mission to the Moon -- the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and its LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite)companion.
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- Aeronautics Activities
- Contains many ready-made K-12 lessons, activities, and experiments that deal with the science of aerodynamics.
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- Aerospace Resources for Education
- A wide range of NASA online educational programs, products, and services that are designed to capture the interest of students while helping educators incorporate the exciting work of NASA's Aerospace Technology Enterprise into math, science, and technology curricula at all levels.
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- Beginner's Guide to Aeronautics
- The site was prepared at NASA Glenn to provide background information for secondary math and science teachers on the basic aerodynamics of airplanes. Students of all ages are welcomed.
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- Days of Air and Space Calendar
- Click on a month and learn what happened on this day in history in the space program.
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- Exploration In Education
- a NASA-supported program of the Special Studies Office (SSO) of the Space Telescope Science Institute features Electronic Picture Books
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- Free Software Downloads
- NASA's Glenn Research Center offers five applets to instruct students in the basics of aerodynamics.