- 201
- The Terraforming Information Pages
- Detailed information on terraforming, including some formal papers.
- 202
- Experimental Rocket Propulsion Society
- A LEO launcher development by a group of space enthusiast. Features engine and vehicle designs, project descriptions and membership information.
- 203
- Nasa X-Planes
- Provides a centralized location for information on NASA X-aircraft. Also provides links to photos, fact sheets, line drawings and movie clips.
- 204
- Rotational Slingshot Catapult
- Provides a space enthusiast's view of the possibility to use alternative means for propulsion of spacecraft.
- 206
- Space Vehicles - Vehicle Designs
- A list of projects under way today and some significant projects of the past for orbital and sub-orbital flights.
- 207
- Kelly Space & Technology
- Offers overview of the Astroliner project, entered in the x-prize competition.
- 208
- Starchaser Industries
- Provides news, history and merchandising by a company in UK designing 'Thunderstar' a rocket intended to claim the X-prize.
- 209
- TGV-Rockets
- Features description and news of the Michelle-B design, entered in the x-prize competition.
- 210
- The Canadian Arrow Spacecraft
- The Canadian Arrow is a 3 man reusable, sub-orbital spacecraft being designed and built for the X-Prize.
- 211
- The da Vinci Project
- Contains project overview, news and sponsor information for an X-prize contender association of Canadian engineers.
- 212
- A History of Manned Space Missions
- Chronological listings of American and Soviet manned missions from 1961-1993. Includes dates, crew biographies, and mission highlights.
- 213
- World Space Flight
- A summary of all manned US, Soviet, and Chinese space flights to date, including dates, flight durations, crew members, and spacecraft.
- 214
- A History of Unmanned Space Missions
- Chronological listings of unmanned missions from 1957-2004. Includes dates and mission highlights.
- 216
- Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex
- One of the three Deep Space Network stations, CDSCC provides critical communications and tracking information to interplanetary space probes.
- 217
- GAIA: The Galactic Census Project
- A European Space Agency astrometry satellite mission designed to determine the composition, formation and evolution of our Galaxy, and create a detailed 3D map of over a billion stars.
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- Interball
- Provides overview of Russian participation in a mission studying plasma processes with several spacecraft at the L1/L2 Sun/Earth libration points.