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Castline Systems

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Scan day: 09 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Software for electrical contractors, including FormFill, test and inspection software and CableCalc, cable and circuit evaluation software. Other products include lighting design and heat loss calculation software.
Welcome to Castline Systems - Electrical Design and Inspection Software Annual Software Contractor License Upgrade Maintenance and Support Scheme Upgrade Maintenance and Support Scheme Are you ready for Amendment no.1?
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Page title:Welcome to Castline Systems - Electrical Design and Inspection Software
Keywords:castline systems, formfill, fasttest, cablecalc, cablemaster, niceic, part p, electrical installation, electrical testing, electrical inspection, test instrument, iee, bs7671, print certificates, elecsa, easycert, tapit, robin, report, android, condition, mac, OSX, mac OSX, iPad
Description:Computer software For Electrical Contractors for Window and Mac OSX, including FormFill, market leading NICEIC test & inspection form filling software. CableCalc, cable and circuit evaulation software to BS7671 standards.