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Institute of Nanotechnology (UK)

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Scan day: 03 February 2014 UTC
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Description: The Institute of Nanotechnology has been created to foster, develop and promote all aspects of science and technology in those domains where dimensions and tolerances in the range of 0.1 nm to 100nm play a critical role.
The 2nd NanoSafety Cluster Newsletter is out now and available to download here: This issue brings you news of the NanoTox 2014 Congress, the launch of the NSC Compendium 2014, and updates from the Cluster Working Groups, new cluster projects, results from completed ones, and an overview of output from current initiatives, publications, training events and conferences for the wider community.
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Page title:Institute of Nanotechnology
Keywords:news, conferences, webinars, institute, of, nanotechnology
Description:Institute of Nanotechnology - the leading global educator in nanotechnology. It will strive to provide information to industry, government bodies, academia and the public at large through a culture of entrepreneurship, initiative and creativity. It will seek to do this in an environmentally friendly manner.