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Guger Technologies

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Description: EEG, ECG, EOG and EMG acquisition and analysis systems based on MATLAB and Simulink.
Home - g.tec - Guger Technologies A new standard of usability: wireless headmounted EEG with active or dry electrodes! Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) out of the lab: We bring technology to the people!
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Page title:Home - g.tec - Guger Technologies
Keywords:Bci, ecg, eeg, emg, eog, erd, ecog, matlab, simulink, biosignal, amplifier, brain computer interface, analysis, science, education, university, physio, interface, acquisition, daq, neurological, rehabilitation, stroke, rapid, research, sensor, software, hardware, ERD, ERS , time-frequency domain, averager, data processing, ASCII, Matlab, EOG, eyeblinks, artifact, DSA, CSA, magnet resonance imaging EEG, functional MRI, 2 Tesla, 4 Tesla, dc amplifiers, 24-bit EEG, 16-bit EEG, stimulus delivery system, card sorting
Description:g.tec medical and electrical engineering produces biosignal amplifiers, data acquisition systems, real-time processing systems and EEG Processing Software under Matlab and Simulink. g.tec is also an active member in a number of national and international research projects.