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European Journal of Sociology

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Description: The journal publishes articles of broad interdisciplinary scope in historical and comparative sociology with a strongly international perspective and special attention to the processes of change in Eastern Europe, as well as to the various expressions of ethnicity and nationalism. Three times a year.
Cambridge Journals Online - European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie Welcome to Cambridge Journals Online To access subscriptions and personalised features please log in or register
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Page title:Cambridge Journals Online - European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie
Keywords:European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie
Description:Consolidating its reputation for historical and comparative sociology of the highest order, European Journal of Sociology publishes original articles of broad interdisciplinary scope which represent some of the best writing in the social sciences today. The journal has a strongly international perspective, with a special interest devoted to the transition from totalitarianism to democracy, to the multiple citizenship and now publishes a third issue every year exclusively devoted to state-of-the-art surveys, the elucidation of central concepts and review essays which explore key topics with reference to the most relevant recent publications. The journal recieves contributions from young scholars as well as highly respected names such as, Robret N. Bellah, Jon Elster and Lord Runciman.