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The Hoop and the Tree

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Description: An ecological model that integrates modern psychology with the great spiritual and mythological traditions.
Consultant, Ecopsychologist, Poet For a world that is ecologically sustainable, socially just, and spiritually fulfilling for all beings. "In ancient Ireland there was a saying, 'Three equals: a king, a harper, and a poet.'  The poet had been trained to step in a crucial times of difficulty and through extemporaneous speech bring a sense and clarity to the confusion of the moment, and through that give the people some sense of their beckoning collective future." (David Whyte,
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Page title:Home Page
Keywords:sustainability, organization development, sustainability definition, systems change, change management, strategic planning, whole systems consulting, ecopsychology, spirituality, personal growth, mythology, coaching, ecology, poetry, sociometry, psychology, Joseph Campbell, Black Elk, Native American, Jung, archetype, Cairns, Realization Point, The Hoop and the Tree, management consulting, conflict resolution
Description:A practical ecological model of spiritual and psychological wholeness.