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The Gestalt Therapy Page

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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Includes a world-wide directory of Gestalt therapists, a Gestalt bibliography, a News and Notes listing of events, and articles on Gestalt therapy largely taken from the archives of The Gestalt Journal.
Keep up with the latest news from the world of Gestalt therapy.  Read , the newsletter of the Gestalt community.  Updated frequently, it includes up-to-date information about workshops and other Gestalt events.  It is also distributed monthly via email.
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Page title:The Gestalt Therapy Page
Keywords:Contemporary Gestalt Therapy, Relational Gestalt Therapy, Violet Oaklander, Fritz Perls, Richard Hycner, Lynne Jacobs, Pat Korb, Margaret Korb, Gestalt, Gestalt therapy, Gestalt therapy theory, Gestalt psychotherapy, Gestalt therapy theory, Gestalt psychotherapy theory, psychotherapy, psychology, therapy, mental health practice, mental health, psychiatry, Frederick Perls, Perls, Paul Goodman, Goodman, Jan Smuts, Smuts, Gestalt counseling, counseling, Gary Yontef, Yontef, play therapy
Description:The Gestalt Therapy Page, the Internet resource center for Gestalt therapy, includes a comprehensive bookstore, a world-wide directory of Gestalt therapists, a Gestalt bibliography, a News at Notes bulletin board, and articles relating to Gestalt therapy.