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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Research, data sets, Neural network simulation software, and database of neurosimulators and models. (University of Amsterdam, Director: J.M.J. Murre)
neuroMod: Home of the Neural and Cognitive Modeling Group at the This site is aimed at the research community and contains among others: Free neural network simulation software on neural networks and cognitive neuroscience
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Page title:neuroMod
Keywords:neural modeling; cognitive modeling; neural networks; connectionism; neurosimulator; memory; amnesia; cognitive neuroscience; neuropsychology
Description:NeuroMod is the home page of the Neural and Cognitive Modeling Group, which is located at the University of Amsterdam and sponsored by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). This site is aimed at the research community and contains free neural network simulation software (Walnut/Nutshell), an exhaustive overview of existing free and commercial neurosimulators (Geppetto), online courses on neural networks and on selected topics in cognitive neuroscience. The research of our own group is also presented here, which includes models of memory, learning, amnesia, semantic dementia, and schizophrenia. We also work on anatomically detailed models of the neocortex and hippocampus and on quantitative neuroanatomical models.