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John Coleman

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Description: Senior research fellow in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of Oxford. Research interests include young people and new technologies, the parenting of adolescents, and emotional health and well-being. He provides various links to youth and psychology organizations and institutions.
John Coleman is a psychologist whose primary interest is adolescence. He is the Founder of the Trust for the Study of Adolescence ) and was the Director of the organisation from 1989 until he retired in 2005. From 2005 to 2006 he held a post as a Policy Advisor in the Department of Health, and since October 2006 he has been a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Education at the
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Page title:John Coleman
Keywords:John Coleman, psychology, youth, adolescence, teenager, people, health, ayph, Dr. John Coleman, London
Description:John Coleman's personal presentantion. Dr. Coleman is a psychologist, who's main interest is developmental psychology, epsecially hte issue of adolescence.