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Evolution's Arrow by John Stewart

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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Psychological evolution - examines how humans are evolving psychologically, the next step becoming a self-evolving organism whose adaptability is not limited by its biological and social past.
The direction of evolution and the future of humanity Organisms that can build complex mental models have the potential to model and understand the evolutionary processes that have formed them and that will determine their future. Once they accumulate sufficient knowledge about these evolutionary processes, they will be able to see their evolutionary future. Potentially, the organisms will be able to use this evolutionary knowledge to decide how they will adapt as individuals and collectively. The organisms will continue to test possible adaptations against their ability to satisfy shorter-term material and social needs. But they can also use their modelling ability to test adaptations against their evolutionary effects. This will enable them to choose adaptations that are also consistent with longer-term evolutionary success.
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Page title:Psychological evolution
Keywords:self-management, consciousness, mental modelling, evolutionary psychology, future evolution, human evolution
Description:Human psychological abilities evolve as humans accumulate knowledge and discover new psychological skills