Brainwashing and Mind Control in Religious Cults and Elsewhere
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Scan day: 05 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Resources about brainwashing, ordered by types of sources.
Brainwashing and Mind Control in religious cults and elsewhere - religious cults, sects and movements in Religious Cults and Elsewhere Brainwashing and Mind Control in Religious Cults and Elsewhere Used of cults, "brainwashing" or "mind control" refers to the unethical use of persuasion methods with the aim of recruiting people into joining or remaining involved with a group, movement, or cause.
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Page title: | Brainwashing and Mind Control in religious cults and elsewhere - religious cults, sects and movements |
Keywords: | brainwashing, mind control, religious cults, apologetics, religious, cult, cult experts, cults, sect, sects, alternative new religious movements, counseling, deprogramming |
Description: | Brainwashing and Mind Control in religious cults and elsewhere: Research resources on religious cults, sects, and alternative religions |
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