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Labara - Introduction to the Celtic Languages: Part I - A Very Brief History

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Description: Short history of the Celtic language family, by Meredith Richard (from the online version of the journal "Keltria: A Journal of Druidism and Celtic Magick").
Labara: Introduction to the Celtic Languages Issue 30 - Beltaine/Summer 1996 Labara - Introduction to the Celtic Languages have focussed on the role of Celtic language in Celtic Druidism and Paganism. The question is indeed relevant. Celtic language is considered by scholars and the modern pan-Celtic movement to be the central, defining criterion of Celtic culture and identity, and few would deny that the chief inspirations of Celtic Paganism and Druidism are the flower of cultures that are indeed Celtic by that definition. Yet few who practice 'Celtic spirituality'(of whatever sort) consider Celtic language to be central to their Celtic identity. Indeed, there is a surprising amount of confusion about the very nature of Celtic languages, which further muddles discussion of the interrelationship of language, culture and traditional spiritualities. So, just what
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Page title:Labara: Introduction to the Celtic Languages
Keywords:Celtic Language History