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Appleyard's Quenya Document

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Description: Plain text examination of Quenya grammar.
Tolklang archive file articles/Appleyard.Quenya (version of 7 Mar 1995) From: A.Appleyard, C14, Materials Science, UMIST, Manchester 1, England (email: [email protected]) [QUENYA GRAMMAR REEXAMINED] [CONTENTS] SYMBOLS MAJOR REVISIONS PREFACE Constructivism Vinyakaarie THE LOTR-PERIOD CASE SYSTEM THE OLDER (1930'S) CASE SYSTEM NARQELION CASES THE SUFFIX `-ya' ADJECTIVES PRONOUNS VERBS Subjunctive, optative, subordination Being Causative `Becoming', inchoative Passive Translating the English infinitive VOCABULARY COMPOUND SENTENCES AND CONJUNCTIONS Vinyakaarie of conjunctions Place Time CASES OF CASES? PHONOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF QUENYA FROM PROTO-ELDARIN Vowels Consonants Suffixes MISCELLANEOUS ANALYSES OF SOME TEXTS REFERRED TO FS (Fiiriel's Song) ONAM (original form of Namaarie) (TOI, pp284-5) NCPT (Notion Club Text) OM1 (The Last Ark, first 1930's form) OM2 (The Last Ark, second 1930's form) Nieninque Earendel OM-NEW (The Last Ark, post-LOTR form) Koivieneeni Sentence "Arctic" Quenya sentence TELERIN VANYARIN, NOLDORIN REFERENCE CODES [SYMBOLS] "Q" = Quenya, "S" = Sindarin, "PE" = Proto-Eldarin, "IE" = Indo-European, "BQ" = Book Quenya, "C" = any consonant, "V" = any vowel, "1p" "2p" "3p" = 1st/2nd/3rd persons. "incl." = "including you", "excl." = "excluding you", of 1st person duals and plurals. Curly-bracketed uppercase, eg {ANA}: see BOLT/QL under that PE root heading. Curly-bracketed lowercase, eg {ini}: see ETYM under that PE root heading. One capital letter in Proto-Eldarin indicates the stress. "MET" = "in Middle-Earth time", "RT" = "in real time (Tolkien's lifetime)". > = "changed by Tolkien to". In PE and Quenya, "ng'" (with apostrophe, as in Swahili) is the `ng' sound as in "sing", and "ng" is `ngg' as in &
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