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Australian Geography Teachers Association

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Description: National association representing state affiliated geography teacher's associations in the promotion, communication, and development of geography education within the professional and wider community.
Australian Geography Teachers Association    Australian Geography Teachers Association Latest issue of Geographical Education , ‘Building Geography’s new frontier contains four papers: David Lambert provides a threefold answer to his question ‘Who hung the humanities?’, Simon Catling reflects upon Primary School Geography in theEnglish national curriculum, Nick Hutchinson examines the nature of world views in teaching and learning about the Australian Curriculum: Geography, and, Ken Purnell examines the challenges and opportunities afforded by the implementation of this curriculum.
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Page title:Australian Geography Teachers Association
Keywords:AGTA, geography, professional association, subject association, education, teacher, education resources, teaching geography, teacher resources, primary education, geography resources
Description:AGTA is the national professional subject association serving geography teachers in Australia.