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John Moore Heritage Services

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Description: Providing archaeological and historic buildings advice, services and support for private individuals, commercial developers and local authorities. Details of services, projects and clients.
John Moore Heritage Services is an independent heritage consultancy and archaeological practice with a staff of specialists based in Oxford with regional offices in Lancashire and South Wales and an extensive portfolio of projects throughout the UK and abroad.
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Page title:Index
Keywords:artefact, analysis, archaeology, assessment, assist, advice, archaeological, assessment project, area, ancient, buildings, books, book, buckinghamshire, berkshire, barrow, bedfordshire coast, countryside, coins, conservation, clients, Consultant, consultants, cave, consultancy, comprehensive, collections, cultural, cymru, cadw, Cambridgeshire, cornwall document, development, desk-based, digs, discover, design, DBA, digital, devon, dorset, derbyshire environment, evaluations, excavation, education, environmental, evaluation, educational, england, excavations, events, earthwork, english, experienced, expertise, expert, essex find, finds, field, flint, gardens, ground, grounds, geophysical, geophysics, geophys, gps, gloucestershire historic, houses, history, heritage, home, HER, hertfordshire, hampshire, herefordshire industrial, independent, information, interest, industrial, illustrated, illustration, investigation, IFA, industry, impact, isle of wight john, moore,jobs, JMHS, jmhs, knowledge, kent, law, liaise, learn, land, landscapes, local, leicestershire, lincolnshire, management, MIFA, mitigation, moore, monument, monuments, MAP2, MoRPHE, map, mapping, magnetometery, magnetometer, milton keynes negotiation, NMR, northamptonshire, norfolk, nottinghamshire, old, oxford, oxfordshire, planning ,process, projects, pre-determination, places, papers, paper, publication, pots, pottery, provision, post-excavation, ppg16, ppg15, protect, past, proposals, photography, photographic, project, recording, research, report, reports, RCHME, RAO, rural, record, radar, resistivity services, stately, surveys, standard, structures, sampling, strategies, standing, scatter, SMR, survey, surrey, east sussex, west sussex, suffolk, somerset, shropshire, staffordshire trial trenching, topographical, tools, trenches, time, team, urban, uk, volunteering, watching briefs, work, walking, wiltshire, warwickshire, wales, Worcestershire, west midlands, wsi
Description:John Moore Heritage Services Home Page. Archaeological Contractor, Surveys, Consultation and Historic Building Recording