- 1081
- Ancient Wales Pictures
- Photographic images of standing stones and burial chambers in Wales and Welsh landscapes.
- 1082
- Knasterkopf
- German society for clay pipe research: publishes an annual journal and holds annual conferences.
- 1083
- National Netherlands Pipe Collection
- Pijpenkabinet Foundation's pipe museum displays over two-thousand items that encompass the culture of pipe smoking over 25 centuries and five continents.
- 1084
- Heart of Neolithic Orkney
- Description of the neolithic monuments and a justification for listing the location as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
- 1085
- Anglo-Saxon and Viking Glass and Amber Working
- Ben Levick and Roland Williamson explain how glass and amber were fashioned into beads and a variety of other objects in this attractively illustrated article from Regia Anglorum.
- 1087
- AboutStonehenge.Info
- Stonehenge information, pictures, legends, and lore including theories on construction, purposes, and age for both students and tourists. Includes photographs.
- 1088
- Bradshaw Foundation: Stonehenge
- An illustrated overview of this megalithic monument and its topographical and prehistoric context.
- 1089
- New - Age UK
- Features photos of the Stonehenge Summer Solstice, Glastonbury Festival 2004, Avebury, and Stonehenge Tunnel news. Sign the guestbook or submit a contact form.
- 1091
- Stonehenge
- Dr. Christopher L C E Witcombe provides an illustrated account of the different phases in the construction of this complex.
- 1092
- Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites
- Description and statement of significance for denoting these stone circles as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
- 1093
- Lasers Reveal Invisible Stonehenge Carvings
- From New Scientist, laser scanning has revealed ancient carvings on the pillars of Stonehenge that are invisible to the naked eye. (October 03, 2003)
- 1094
- Archaeological Guide to Chert Types of East-Central Illinois
- Identification guide to the types of chert exploited by the prehistoric people of east-central Illinois. By Lenville J. Stelle and Thomas Duggan.
- 1095
- Embeddedness of Lithic Technology
- An article by Leland C. Bement that describes using stone tools to reconstruct Folsom mobility and subsistence practices on the Southern Plains.