W3C Technology & Society Domain
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Scan day: 01 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Concentrating on issues that arise from applications of Web technology, and devoting significant resources to international public policy issues.
W3C Technology & Society Domain Technology & Society Domain Working at the intersection of Web technology and public policy, the Technology and Society Domain's goal is to augment existing Web infrastructure with building blocks that assist in addressing critical public policy issues affecting the Web. Our expectation is not to solve policy problems entirely with technology, but we do believe that well-designed technical tools can lead to policy approaches that are more consistent with the way the Web should operate. The Semantic Web is an important component in this endeavor, as it provides the means for various entities to instrument their interactions through formal specifications of vocabularies describing relevant policies, rules and resources. Semantic Web technologies will enable our machines to assist users in exercising more control over their online environment and interactions.
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